About Me.

My therapeutic style is person centered and collaborative. I am curious and energized by getting to know each individual’s unique life experience and therefore tailor my approach to each person’s, or couple’s specific needs and perspective. My approach is attachment based, meaning I create an environment of unconditional positive regard and safety. I find that so often we hold on to messages or beliefs we learned in childhood that we must have the courage to let go of, challenging and deeply examining what is now our present truth. By tending to our past we can better show up for ourselves in the present.  Much of my training has come from Pia Mellody’s model for co-dependency and attachment trauma, and I find that when we can start to really get to know the vulnerable parts of ourselves, we make room for an extremely spiritual form of self-love and self-connection.

Personally, I am currently married with a young son who not only keeps me on my toes, but also keeps me well connected to the simple joys of life. I enjoy spending as much time as I can outdoors, with friends and family, traveling to new places and creating art – these days mostly with my son.

“Self-esteem is the internal awareness of ones own preciousness.” - Pia Mellody